Elementor #451

Effectual Prayer

Did you know that I didn’t always know how to pray, but I thought I did?  I thought I knew how to pray just fine at church and just fine before bed.  I’d only pray about a few minutes at a time and sometimes my heart was in it, but not always.  I was just doing it because it was what I did.  My special time alone with God was a good habit, but was it an effective practice of love and devotion?

All of these questions came to a head one fateful day.  I woke up and I noticed something: the first thoughts of my day were negative!  Then I thought about it and realized that a lot of my thinking was negative.  I was so mad at the enemy, because I knew it wasn’t just from me, my upbringing, and my life circumstances.  I decided that just out of spite, I was going to pray THE WHOLE DAY LONG!!! I was so mad.  I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I had faith that I would figure out how, and I DID!

I went to youtube and looked up intercessory prayer videos and I found two wonderful ladies: the fabulous, Dr. Cindy Trimm and the magnificent, Sister Queen Esther Phillips.  Both of these ladies are who I rested my youtube search on.  They pray with power and authority and what they pray is directly from the Word of God.   Some of these prayer videos are over an hour long!  I just started to pray in agreement while watching or listening to their videos.  Now I know many of their prayers by heart.  I would like to give a shout out to both of these ladies for teaching us how to pray and praying for us.  I hope they never stop!  If you want to pray with effectiveness, here are some great videos for you to watch or listen too.  I know they will make a difference in your life, as they already have and continue to in mine.  God bless!

 Dr. Cindy Trimm:

Sis. Queen Esther Phillips

9 thoughts on “Elementor #451”

  1. Vielen Dank für die gute Berichterstattung. Es war in der Tat ein Vergnügungsbericht. Schauen Sie weit fortgeschritten, um von Ihnen angenehm hinzugefügt zu werden! Wie können wir übrigens kommunizieren? Florella Georgie Roosevelt

  2. Pode-se aprender algo novo aqui todos os dias. Eu sou um regular para a maioria desses blogs, mas ainda não sabia sobre um par deles. Elinor Konrad Gatias

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